at a Leeds Jewish Housing Association venue in Moortown
Advance booking essential. Contact 07794 528 986
For this meeting we shall be using Microsoft Teams instead of Zoom. It should not be necessary to download the Microsoft Teams app, but please do so if you are not able to access the meeting simply by clicking on this link:
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Meeting ID: 345 813 605 367
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The meeting will be chaired and hosted by John Summerwill < > 0756 225 0028
The latest newsletter is a bumper issue of 24 pages, with many pictures, including accounts of the Peace Service, Interfaith Week Light for Leeds event, sessions on Buddhism, Hinduism and Quakerism, and the Football Tournament in Harehills funded by our Namaste Fund.
There is also an obituary of Sewa Singh Kalsi, a former Chair of Concord who died a year ago and is comemmorated by a bench recently placed in Roundhay Park, between the Roundhay Fox and the nearby circular shelter.
Click on the image to access the letter in PDF format.
Last September a grant of £500 from the Concord Namaste Fund was given to the organisers of a Football Tournament in Harehills, which aimed to bring together people of various faith and ethnic traditions in a spirit of friendship. Following the disorder in Harehills in July 2024, this was a positive contribution to reinforcing community cohesion.
An account by Adam Aslam, along with his reflections on the Harehills Riots, is in the newsletter (see above). Here are links to some photos and a reflection by Chijioke Ojukwu, one of the organisers of the Football Tournament. REFLECTION HERE Click on the images to enlarge them
The Peace Service at the Civic Hall in October was very successful and attended by about 70 people. Youth people from the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir gave a presentation and performed classical Indian dances.
The order of service is here.
Click here for a slideshow.
Our own Hema Yadav, a member of Concord's Executive Committee has recently returned from Paris, where she was a chaplain to Hindu athletes. She has herself been an athlete at national level in India in the past. There is an interesting article about the Hindu Faith Centre, which was part of a comprehensive Multi-Faith Centre that included places of prayer and reflection for Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Muslims. Click here for link
In July some Concord members visited the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Kirkstall. We received a very warm welcome and were given presentations on many aspects of the faith and life of the church's members by its young missionaries, senior leaders and bishop.
John Summerwill gave an illustrated talk on Christian worship at our June meeting, exploring the diversity of forms and styles of worship, with particular focus on Holy Communion and its significance in Christian life.
Some videos which John intended to show couldn't be displayed because of a poor broadband connection. They are here:
This substantial and unique book, published to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Concord, tells the story of the different faith communities in Leeds and of the key individuals who have promoted interfaith relationships. Written by a team including Trevor Bates, Primrose Agbamu, Cynthia Dickinson , John Moreton & John Summerwill (with contributions from Concord members)
Available to purchase or free online. Click here for details
Copyright ©2023 Concord (Leeds Inter-faith Fellowship). All Rights Reserved.
Registered Charity No.: 516339